Wednesday, March 2, 2011

HPFPI Cebu hosted a 2-Day ACCA Country Process Meeting

To strengthen the ACCA Network in the Philippines, HPFPI Cebu hosted the Country Process Meeting last February 25, 2011.  It was attended by NGO representatives including TAO Pilipinas, SHFC, SEPAVIP, UPA, FDUP, Iligan, PACSII and representatives from HPFPI NCR, Bulacan,  Davao, Ilo-ilo and Cebu together with Fr. Norberto Carcillar, Somsook Boonyabancha and Thomas Kerr both from Asian Coalition for Housing Rights (ACHR).

The meeting was aimed on updating of all ACCA project within the Philippine network and the discussion on the following issues:

1.    How to link the ACCA initiatives to the Local Government (after 2 years)
2.    To form a system and mechanics on the project proposal to be submitted to ACHR
3.    To share the process and expertise of each network as a way to strengthen the direction of ACCA country network  process
4.     5 directions –Way forward   (ACCA committee mtg.)
5.    Activities to set-up those initiatives

The whole day event was packed-up with reporting and smooth discussions on how to sustain their respective projects and on how the proposal of each city assess by each regions.  The network then came-up with an agreement that a consultation on proposals before submitting to ACHR must be a) discussed first at the regional level (due to similar context/culture and background), b) all proposal will pass through a committee and c) committee will then submit information/recommendations to Somsook.

The network will meet again at Iligan City on May 2011 expecting more attendance from people’s organization.   
